GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann has been a Visiting Professor at Macquarie University in 2017. Now he was speaking at a GLO – supported Workshop on “Health, Inequality and Behavior” organized at the University under the leadership of Kompal Sinha, a Senior Lecturer and HDR Director at the Department of Economics of Macquarie University. Sinha is also an Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics, GLO Fellow and the GLO Research Cluster Lead for Development, Health Inequality and Behavior. Zimmermann was visiting the University from November 5-14 and was also involved in joint research with GLO Fellow Shyamal Chowdhury (University of Sydney) and Kompal Sinha.
Zimmermann & Kompal Sinha
Keynote speakers at the conference where Lisa Cameron (University of Melbourne), Andrew Jones (University of York), and Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & GLO). The conference started on November 11 with an address by Hon Chris Bowen MP, Shadow Minister for Health, followed by the keynote speech of GLO – President Klaus F. Zimmermann on “Arsenic in Drinking Water: Health Challenges and Responses”. See also. It ended with a farewell speech by the Head of the Economics Department, Elisabetta Magnani. Everybody was pleased with the wonderful meeting place and service, the excellent working conditions and the very high quality of the papers presented and the lively discussions.
Full Final Program.

Lisa Cameron on “Criminalising sex work” Andrew M. Jones on “Equity, opportunity and health” Professor Elisabetta Magnani, Head of Department

From the left Lisa Cameron, Kompal Sinha, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Andrew M. Jones, Hon Chris Bowen, Elisabetta Magnani and Rodrigo Moreno-Serra.