2021 Virtual Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies
ISQOLS 2021 CONFERENCE: “Quality-of-life and Adaptation in a Virulent World”
The 2021 Virtual Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS 2021) on “Quality-of-life and Adaptation in a Virulent World” takes place on 23-27 August 2021 as a virtual event. The conference features five GLO/EHERO Special Sessions on Happiness Economics put together under the direction of Martijn Hendriks, Martijn Burger, and Milena Nikolova. Milena Nikolova is also the GLO Cluster Lead on Happiness Economics and a Section Editor dealing with happiness economics in the GLO-supported forthcoming Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics” edited by GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann. A number of review papers presented in the GLO/EHERO Special Sessions are articles from this Handbook.

GLO/EHERO Special Sessions (ISQOLS 2021) on Friday, 27 August 2021, times are all CEST
Happiness Economics I: 06.00-07.40
- Stephanie Rossouw and Talita Greyling: Big Data and Happiness
- Olga Popova and Vladimir Otrachshenko: Religion and happiness
- Clemens Hetschko, Andreas Knabe and Ronnie Schöb: Happiness, Work and Identity
- Martin Binder and Ann-Kathrin Blankenberg: Self-Employment and Subjective Well-Being
Happiness Economics II: 10.00-11.40
- Diana Tam and Arthur Grimes: The Economics of Free Speech: A Subjective Wellbeing Approach
- Philip Morrison: Whose happiness in which cities? The urban wellbeing paradox revisited
- Martijn Hendriks and Randall Birnberg: Happiness in the daily socio-cultural integration process: A day reconstruction study among US immigrants in Germany
- Jeehoon Han and Caspar Kaiser: Changes in Time Use and Happiness
Happiness Economics III: 12.00-13.40
- Richard Easterlin and Kelsey O’Connor: The Easterlin Paradox
- Alberto Prati and Claudia Senik: Feeling good or feeling better?
- Robin Konietzny, Milena Nikolova and Bart Los: Trade and Job (In)Security: The Two Sides of Occupational Import Exposure
Happiness Economics IV: 14.00-15.40
- Carol Graham, Emily Dobson and James Kunhardt: When Public Health Crises Become Entwined: How Trends in COVID-19, Deaths of Despair, and Well-being Track Across the U.S.A.
- Francesco Sarracino, Kelsey O’Connor, Chiara Peroni, Talita Greyling and Stephanie Rossouw: Well-being expressed through Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Julia Schmidtke, Clemens Hetschko, Gesine Stephan, Michael Eid, Ronnie Schöb and Mario Lawes: The impact of Covid-19 on mental health and well-being. An event-study based on high-frequency longitudinal survey data
Happiness Economics V: 19.00-20.40
- Paul Fenton Villar: Is there a Mineral-Induced ‘Economic Euphoria’?: Evidence from Latin America
- Mariano Rojas, Karen Watkins and Lázaro Rodríguez: The Happiness of CEOs in Family and Nonfamily Firms: Different Explanatory Structures and its Consequences
- Annie Tubadji: Consumer Happiness and AI Sensitivity to Cultural and Moral Preferences