The 37th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) was hosted by Erasmus University Rotterdam from 27 to 29 June 2024 in Rotterdam.

More on my ESPE history.
At ESPE 2024: Presenting joint work with Shuai Chu & Xiangquan Zeng of Renmin University of China.
- Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China
Abstract: A prominent gender stereotype claims that “boys are better at learning mathematics than girls”. Confronted with such a parental attitude, how does this affect the wellbeing of 11 – 18 years old students in Chinese middle schools? While wellbeing has often been shown to be not much gender-diverse, the intergenerational consequences of such stereotypes are not well studied. Expecting too much from boys and too little from girls might damage self-esteem among school kids. Using large survey data covering districts all over China reveals that one quarter of the parents agree with the math stereotype. It is shown that this has strong detrimental consequences for offspring’s wellbeing. Students are strongly more depressed, feeling blue, unhappy, not enjoying life, and sad with no male-female differences, while parental education does not matter for this transfer. Various robustness tests including other than math stereotypes and an IV analysis confirm the findings. Moderating such effects, which is in line with societal objectives in many countries, not only supports gender equality but also strengthens the mental health of children.

From the left with Milena Nikolova, Yannis Galanakis & Leena Bhattacharya
Meetings with devoted collaborators & GLO network activists: Milena Nikolova is Editor of the Journal of Population Economics, Yannis Galanakis & Leena Bhattacharya are GLO VirtYS Scholars (of 2019-2020 & 2022-2023, respectively), Leena Bhattacharya is also the Managing Editor of GLO’s Discussion Paper Series, Yannis Galanakis edits the GLO Video Channel.
The colleagues were presenting at ESPE 2024:
- Milena Nikolova, University of Groningen: Just Another Cog in the Machine? A Worker-Level View of Robotization and Tasks
- Yannis Galanakis, King’s College London: Mind the (Gender Pay) Gap: The role of Board Gender Composition
- Leena Bhattacharya, Tilburg University: Time allocation of daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law in India: The role of education as bargaining power

After the hour, partying…..

With my Free University Berlin colleagues at ESPE 2024. From the left with Natalia Danzer, Anja Luzega, Max Steinhardt, Lisa Hanzl and Sebastian Garcia-Torres.