The Global Labor Organization (GLO) and the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO) have joined forces to organize a special event on “Well-being Economics” dealing with the two themes: “Labor, Development, and Well-being” and “Migration, Politics, and Well-being Research”.
The GLO/EHERO special sessions on well-being, which were originally a part of the 18th International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies ISQOLS Annual Conference on August 25-28, 2020, have now been rescheduled as a separate online event that will take place on September 24-25, 2020.

GLO – EHERO Organizers

Milena Nikolova (University of Groningen and GLO)
GLO Cluster Lead “Economics of Happiness”; Email:
Martijn Hendriks (EHERO and GLO) and Martijn Burger (EHERO)